Monday, February 23, 2009
Leave wif nth~
mood was nth right for e whole day or even week.
things keep going around my mind,when daddy told us we are moving back.
for a few week or mth.
bendan,is so good to have u by my side when ever i need someone to entertian.
but i can't always rely on u.u got to move on.
i dun wan u to be my parttime BF.dun waste ur time on mii,dun treat mii go good.

yah,i'm SMILing :D
and i'll be alright.
just give sometime.
and i'll really be find.

Being LOVE-ed is always so good so BLESS-ed then you LOVE someone?!
*Is always about mii and yOu.
And when the lights all went out
We watched our lives on the screen.
I hate the ending myself,
But it started with an alright scene~
I sing,
"Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
and know the stars are
holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you tonight"
I wish you were here with me tonight
alright,off to traning,wun be posting for e next 1mth?!i guess.
Sign off:24/02/09-3.45pm
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
11:01 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009
i hate it.
hate to cry before i go to bed.
i noe i'm weak,but wat to do i'm like at.
i only noe how to cry in my bed.
just let mii be,i'll be alright.
i fail in my eveything~i have given up alr,i guess.
even now when i see him in school,i feel diff.
oh,sily,forget it ba.take it easy.isonlyeyecandy~
*there's no start how do i end it???
*and when u look mii in e eye~
Sign off:21/02/09-2.40pm
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
10:11 AM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
dun mess wif US!!!hahas:D
long since my last update~
kind of busy and lazy to update=P
Vday has pass,is always nice handing out wif my LOVEone.(N.J)
and knowing someone loves u too(:
yeah Devilfriend,u promise to always be my Devilfriend(: hahas.
will update those pic when i get them(:
on monday
devilfriend came to find mii after school,
had lunch and passed him Vday present
just a gift nth much and is as a friend(:
Sign off:18/02/09-5.45pm.
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
12:57 AM
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Wat a part time lover.
I really enjoy lastnite event(:
LOVE my classmate:D
everythings kind of when well.
almost all my classmate were there(:
had game,tok,performance, food,dances floor~
when over to TPM to slack after e event.
chatted,and yes nad,shunkun and jason wu is going to leave us to poly.
sad,but yet happy for all e best yah!!!(:
will miss u ppl.even through we were not tat close in class.
mood was down not long after i reach home.
things keep going round my mind,just so many things.
studier,family,BGR???[friends],work??? many many thing~
listening to my fav music,just feel like tearing.
all those image flashing in my mind.argh~
if we really can't be lover,i pray hard tat we could be friend.pls.
is going to be a yr yOu ever miss mii???think of mii???
or am i e only one who's doing all those toopix things.
i alwaly like to hear thing about yOu,but i oso always act till i dun even care.
i wish i could just see yOu on e straits,pass by mii,or even only i see yOu u dun see mii.
i wish i wish i just really wish.
but yet,i'm oso scare.i scare i dun noe how to face.when i really see yOu.
i say we are just like,more then a friend less then a lover~
but u say we are like part time lover.thanks for entertianing mii~
[toopix bendan!!!}
Sign off:07/02/09:10.45pm.
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
9:54 PM
Thursday, February 05, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKY!!!(doggy) love love~
[he's eatting cake now(:]
oh my,read news paper today and found out tat chocolate cause sleeplessness.
-Chocolate contain other stimulants including
theobromine which increases heart rate and cause sleeplessness.
Chocolate can be disruptive to sleep.
then bottom link:eating chocolate at night may keep you awake!!!hahas.
Sign off:5/02/09-8.20pm.
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
6:23 AM
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
wat should i do?,wat can i do?i'm trying hard~
back from netball training.
i'm really TIRED~
lesson is always boring~
friend are always my laughing med(:
CHOCOLATE always make mii HIGH and CRAZY(: hahas.
thanks my dear friends and lovely classmate tat i have(:
THANKS GOD! i feel i'm blessed wif everthings i have now:D
[saw he's back view today,v long since i last see D.hope we can be friend,good friend~]
alright,after training saw he's msg.
yeah,he's really there waiting.
i tot he's just saying for fun.but he's not.
THANKS,i noe you do care.
THANKS for e Med.
THANKS for dorping by.
THANKS for being there always,atleast for e pass 35days~
you say you will always be there nomatter wat.
yeah,till now you are really there for mii.THANKS.
even though,you noe my ans will always be
NO.friend will always be better for us~
but still anyway,THANKS BOI~
fred-yeah men,think about hard but things got to move on.
must find a way out yah.i have being through so i noe it really hard to handler.
but i noe u can(: we'll always be there man(: cheer up!!!
sick of crying
tired of trying
yeah,i'm smiling
but inside i'm
still can't get yOu out of my mind.
sign off:4/02/09-11.05pm.
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
6:40 AM
Monday, February 02, 2009
Loss of words,thinking real hard.
i wish i noe.i wish it can all re-start.
after lesson,when home.then headed to cin to meet my COUSIN for movie.
PH taged along too(:
after movie,cousin when off for her training~
so ping ping and mii waited for MELVIN OH & HAY YAO HUI for dinner!!!
they took they time to reach and they are late.and as wat i say to MEL if they are late dinner will be their treat!!!and YES!!!hahas.
we are not tat bad,we payed half half lah~hahas.
after dinner,we walked around cin then to lvl 9 to caught BEAR BEAR~
but i machine just cheated our money):
end up we got no place go,so head to my place to'pai nian'.
and we played game,TABOO~ and card~
till v late night,then daddy send them home(:
so i sleeped at 4plus in e morning~
woke up at 10plus 11.
HE called,wanna meet mii before we meet e rest.
for lunch or yup i argee~
then yup,prepare and headed down to bugis.
tot i'll be late and NO!!!HE's late~
so had our lunch and walked around before GF,dia &joel came.
no long they came,then blaa blaa~
we really got no place to go so keep walking around and keep stopping a some point.
headed to hajilane,walked~nth much.
did somethings toopix!!!we played hind and seek wif him & joel.
they just can't find us till we tell him.hahas.toopix~
so we 3(NYJ)when over to coffee bean to rest chat chat and wait for e 2guy to come.
we are kind for bad lah,but was fun~hahas.
after they found us,we headed to play pool~
only e 2 guy playing while NYJ see power them.hahas
after tat headed for dinner~STEAMBOAT!!!
NYJ pay $21.40each to play wif e food.
eh okie lah,we did eat abit.LOL.
then HOME SWEET HOME,but for mii i when over to ah ma house to find daddy.
only reach home at 2plus~
so sleep at 3plus.
wake up early again,10plus11.
prepare and headdown to Sembawang to meet PH.
reached,YS is still sleeping at while waiting for her we had our lunch at Mac.
so headed to Bearbear house to pai nian.
got no time so did go to Law & eddie places.
meeted leonard at sunplaza to get cake for Ms eunice and headed to her places.
reached her place,surprise her wif e cake then blaa blaa blaa~
pai nian and played game~
leave her place at 6plus7,pick jole up.then headed to my place to pai nian~
woowoowoo,reach my place played game again card then TABOO~
hahas.TABOO is FUN~
after tat 11plus HOME SWEET HOME for them~
for mii,shower,watched TV,fall a slp then wake up.
chat on e phone till 3plus.sleep~
I WAKE UP LATE.7.20!!!and my lesson start at 8am.
prepare and rush out of my house.reached bus stops,31 came.thanks God.
reached school blaa blaa~
after lunch,had my video filming for next year course ppl to see.
so it will be posted in ITE webside.OMY~
alright,after tat HOME SWEET HOME.
which is today.wake up at 8am.
reached school then found out tat it was PM lesson,
e lesson which i dun need to attend.anyway iam there so just join them for e lesson.
after PM was Miss tan lesson.and it ended early 12.10.
so when to had lunch wif fred,jason and joseph at TPM Mac.
after lunch HOME SWEET HOME~
reached home, my VCD chatted on e phone.hanged up.
then fall aslp~
wake up,then now i'm here!!!
having my dinner soon,hungry hungry~
tml netball training:D
alright,shall end here alr.
[thanks for being there,'bendan'(:]
dreamed about yOu again,andidomissyOu
Sign off:03/02/09-7.55pm.
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
6:25 AM