back back...i'm back!!!lol
let start from where i stop...
i will just post wat i rmb...hahas...
after work,head-ed down to my aunt house near east coast there for dinner.
then stay there watching TV play games...then leonard & dia came over to find mii hahas so nice of them!!!(((: so went walking along east coast, toking laughting all e ways...like mad ppl...hahas...
yup,hahas then they went back about 2plus...hahas
*thanks for coming!!!(((:
for mii,i stay at my aunt house...lol
thur(7/02)chu 1
okie wake up at 11 plus...bath,prepare head-ed to my aunt husband tat side then to my grandma house...then send my uncle to airport as he is flying off to australia(sydeny)
then head-ed back to my grandma place...then back to my aunt place(east coast)
stayed there again!!!):
fri(8/02)chu 2
okie,slp late so wake up at only 12 plus...hahas...so yup,bath prepare head-ed to my cousin husband house...they just move house so first time going there hahas...e house was BIG 3 story high...hahas...hmm,stayed here for a whole days till like 12plus then when back to my aunt house to stay!!!hahas...again!!! lol...
sat(9/02)chu 3
wake up damn damn early at 7 plus 8....cos got to go 'pray' my grandfather...yup,then when to my 3 aunt house then back home...after tat to malaysia!!!hahas...then stayed there for 1 nite...
sun(10/02)chu 4
wake at 11 plus...=)
bath,prepare then went out to eat...then head-ed back to singapore!!!
reach home...rest for like one hr plus then head-ed to my grandma place for dinner again!!!
was like going here and there loh...v busy!!!hahas
yup,after dinner...PH mgs mii to go YS house pai nian so reach sembawang head-ed to YS house!!!
xui li was there too!!!hahas...damn long nv c her le...dun noe wat to say!!! hahas...
so we play card then i went home early!!!they all stayed till morning i think...
Mon(11/02)chu 5
okie!!!wake up at 11 plus...watch TV,pack e house...then prepare to go out for MOVIE!!!hahas...
meeted PH for movie at AMK...we watched jay show kung fu dunk!!! haha...nice & funny show...hahas
after e show we went walking around then went for dinner....
then meeted nydia sarah & diana to go ms eunic house to pai nian!!!=)
after tat head-ed home about 10 plus...
reach home...some how dun feel right!!! so headache & sore throat!!!argh!!!
then so took pandol, try to slp early as i'm working e next day!!!=(((
e feel like is like damn bad loh!!!
Tue(12/02)chu 6
it's today!!!lol...
so force myself to wake up in e monring to go work!!!
today is my last day of work le!!!hahas...
work there for like almost 3yr le...haahas so fast!!!
GF came ACC mii...thanks!!!=)) then tanya came oso...after tat trishia came hahas...lol...
so yup...work alone till 4.30pm then end work at 6!!!
then dun noe wat to eat so end up eating BK!!!
having sore throat still eat BK...hahas lol...
must 'yi du kung du'...i dun noe lah!!! understand jiu gd dun understand then nvm!!!hahas...lol...
so yup,after eating went home...then GF went to watch kung fu dunk wif dia & mel...
after e movie they came mu house to take thing and buy mii pandol & soya milk...hahas thanks GF & dia...!!!=)))luv ya e most!!!hahas...
hmm...so maybe going down to ICA tml...
will c how...
i hate sore throat lah & fever!!!:(((
some toopix pic!!!hahas...

^^ tanya!!!=)^^
^^ trishia=)^^

e day i bring here out to buy CNY cloth!!!hahas...

GF where is my purple rose!!!
Their is a fire inside of you
That can't help but shine through
She’s never going to see the light
No matter what you do...
*PM:i dun noe!!!i dun understand!!!...haix...))):
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
1:29 AM