Wednesday, October 31, 2007
So sad!!! zalinah mgs mii say tml i change shift, change to nt same shift as ping boring loh=(
miss my aunt so called her jux now then kanna nag by her...she ask mii where am i ,so i told her i am at yishun loh then she ask wat am i doing there , i told her iam work loh...then she ask "tot u working at Metro woodlands why are u working there???"then i told her "i off wat so working yishun loh..." then she say"wah u tot u GOD[in chinese] ar work 7 days a week no need rest de ar???" then i keep quite nv say anything...i try to change subject but she keep asking & nagging...argh!!! a bit regret calling her...wanted meet her de heng she nt free if nt die ar...hahas...
hohoho...saw WG when i was working at yishun jux PS loh...i was wearing his short today to work...well working i saw alot of AI student walk pass my shop then i was think wat if he walk pass???hmm...then suddenly i saw him, i was like er... then i oso dun know y i go n call him...then he stop ,we have a chat then he when home to study cos he is taking his 'O' lvl tis yr..."all e best to HIM"=)
Gastric pain e whold day dun know y oso...???
i did drink milk in e morning loh y still pain...argh!!!
then 7++ eat instan noodle still pain!!!toopix loh!!!
hmm look like is going to rain...
will be a clod n windy nite again...
er i saw lightning & hear thunder...scare scare!!!=(...
haix iam here without yOu again....
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
12:25 AM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
iam tired!!!!
but i jux dun wan to onli 1.25 now still early!!!
tml off but working yishun,from 9-4...sad ar!!!
off Metro still got to work yishun...
ppl say i siao work 7days a week no need to rest...
hmm...nvm...jux work onli...can rest after my work...
but hor some time really damn lazy & tired loh...
wan tell them dun wan work oso can't...
they will comfirm say say say till i go work de...
so wat to do...
hmm...nth much to post ,err can oso say i lazy to type lah so i think will end here lex...
L is for the way you looook at me!
O is for the only one i seeee.
V is very very extraordinary.
E is even more than you adoreeee...
(hmm..iam worndering wat are u doing???
slp le mah???...or playing GAME???...)
*So boring!!! anyone can't slp call mii pei mii tok tok...
sing LaLabye for mii to slp oso can!!!
Toopix Backache!!!...still pain...
To nite so COLD!!!...running nose again???
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
1:35 AM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
okie iam back to up-date my blog...actually nth to up-date oso life for mii is always e same...working ,working and keep working...
today when lunch wif nydia & miss eunice...dun know y suddenly so miss them so msg them ask them out for lunch before i go work...i miss mummy jia ying too wonder how she is doing there???so sad must wait till next yr then can see her...=x
hmm...tis week working morning shift then off on tue...then next week start jiu not same shift wif ping hui sad!!! dun know lunch time dinner time can go where....haiz...sian!!! got to walk around CWP alone again...
so sad backache haven hao...still pain...dun know should i go for check up anot???i scared leh...if later really got problem how???hmm...
3 more week to go then my attachment will end...happy or sad??? hmm...half half thinking of going back to work after attachment but they dun take part c how...
mii & sii

Mii & ping ping!!!
some Dress tat we try when working....
receiv his msg le...
after reading it my mood really change...
i dun know wat to do, dun know wat to reply...
juxt feel like crying...(iam weak i jux know how to cry...)
i jux can't get to slp every nite...
my mind keep thinking,"wat should i do???wat can i do???"
should i jux let it go,let it be...???
face it or dun care???
but how i can i dun care..."i can't loh"argh!!! toopix!!!
(ans is: NO!!! I DUN!!! and nv...)
things & feeling dun seem to be e same any more...???
*i just can't get thing out of my mind...(tat feeling is so *u*k)
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
11:13 AM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
backache backache!!!! auntie say i so young jiu backache must go check up take X ray...
so mah fan i then dun wan go....scared scared loh...!!!
work full today cos ping hui department de ppl both of them took MC so not enough ppl working...then i work loh can pei her!!!
In e morning well working stomach CRAMPS till wan to cry...
(actually is period cramps...)
really really v bad loh some more still back pain...=X
everyday after work dun feel like going will always slack slack outside 7-11 or wait for ying si to reach sembawang then go home tgt...
life become so diff now...
haiz...nt in e mood to type lex...
"To a willing heart nth is impossible..."
Do u still give a damn to care???
iam still waiting for ur msg every singer day...
*hate myself for being so silly...
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
12:55 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
can i know wat are u thinking...
ask u, u didn't reply my mgs...
call u, u sound okie but i dun think u are...
did i do /say any think wrong???
do u know it hurt so much when u dun care...
i juxt can't slp through out e nite...
keep thinking about u...
cry in my bed till i fall aslp...
tis feeling is damn s**k okie...
mel say" wat is e ponit to cry..."
ya... i know,cry oso no one know no one care...
cry till eye swellon oso like tat he won't know....
but is like tat is normal i can't control...
so sad…iam changing shift next mth…so will be in diff shift wif ping hui and angeline
argh!!! i dun wan lax…change shift lex jiu no ppl go work wif mii, go home wif mii ,go eat wif mii le…so sad loh…=(
going off to work soon le…damn no mood loh…having running nose now later go work sure die de some more can’t wear jacket...=( not meeting ping hui cos she OFF...
ping hui- sorry for being so un-normal ytd...will be back to normal when u c mii on firday u won't tok to e wall again...hahas...take care!!!
Pain pain really v e pain!!! Backache coming back….
iam here without u!!!
thinking & thinking i still can't get it...
LOVE MII or LEAVE MII choose one...
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
12:40 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
okie today was my off day so when to work at yishun...damn tired loh, work from 9am till till my backache come back....=( argh!!! iam really tired of working till backache , headache and leg sad loh...every day must stand so long.... for tis week iam working morning so time like pass faster...hahas...
but still v sian n sleepy when working....
iam damn lazy tis few days...dun even feel like walking...dun even feel like eating...
IAM TIRED OF EVERY THING!!!=(( (i need someone to be wif mii, tok to mii...can i ???)
i use to have someone to tok to...but now it's gone....
*i miss my mummy!!!=(
thank GOD tat i still have my friend around mii!!!
waiting & waiting y am i alway got to wait....=(
at e end wat i get was a nth...really nth...
ping ping say must tell *** so tat ** will know...
but wat for...if ** got e heart ** will reply as soon as possible, if nt say le oso like tat...
maybe only ping ping de DD got e heart to... i really feel like wat wei sheng say was ture... "after get it, tat it"...
*iam jux so silly!!! no mood no mood SO no mood....!!!=(
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
6:40 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
so sorry for nt up-dating my blog...i was too lazy n tired after my work so didn't post for like 2 week or so...heehee...
hmm attachment at metro was still okie...ppl there quite friendly and fun to be wif...
but some are just so ...nvm 2 mth only.
wah! time fly so fast...have being working at Metro for15 days now left wif 41 days to sad actually every monday is my off day de but tis week change to thursday...cos nt enough ppl working...=(
well working v cold loh then can't wear jacket...dun know y oso nv ask them...some time can cold till headache loh...but ppl there are saying they feel so funny loh...dun know is they got problem or iam e one??? hahas
er...nth much to up-date life now is all about work work n will up-date next time!!! bye bye!!!
ytd when lunch time HE came!!!=) ben ben de loh i ask HIM "where r yOu" HE say HE at HIS friend house going to JB soon, so i was like okie...then HE suddenly msg mii ask mii "where are u having ur lunch?"so i just reply...then well eating i saw his friend n HIM...i was like hmm...wat u doing here??? hahas then he ask mii go over...then chated for a while he left....=)
damn long nv see each other lex....hmm about 1 mth like tat...i think. anyway iam so happy to see HIM ytd!!!=)
[hmm...i got tis wired wired feeling in mii...OMG!!! wat is happening???
maybe is just nth , iam just over react....(i hope so)
but ** is always e one who cheer mii up ,entertain mii , make mii laugh all tat...
but but!!! is impossible de loh...argh!!! W.Y.L dun think too much lah!!! wake up wake up!!!!]
si ni de jiu si ni de, bu si ni de jiu bu si ni de...
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
8:45 PM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Hohoho...Attachment start leh iam in e Ladies Contemporary department...busy busy!!! Will post next time...c ya!!!
so sad so sad!!! why why why???=(....
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
2:56 AM