well im back to post liao...erm ytd did nt go 4 netball hahas..cause was too tired n lazy =X...
ya..when to take my pay after my lesson 2day...then now i jux loss my mood haiz...=( im sad very sad...how???=X dun know wat to post liao la...argh!!!! will post next time ba...
i maybe very cruel but i dun have a chose...
For three years gone, and you would think he has changed.
Two years gone and still the same.but to you it's nothing,
nothing but another day....so now pls leave mii ALONE...
and pls stop calling mii...
I found this two poems?? in someone blog n i think is meaningful so i jux wanna share....
1) Heart and Soul
From my heart to soul, I can't find the difference.
Where love come and goes, I can't see it.
It fly's bye without a single thought in my mind.
Have I found the right one or lost him long ago.
I feel like I'll never know.
It's like a ghost that you see one moment, but is gone the next.
I can't even read what I write in this text.
For every poem I write I come a little bit wiser.
For wise I think I'm not, but all I want is a shot.
A shot with the right one to love,
With the right one to hug.
But it seems like each passing day all I do is wait.
Wait for the love that I want in this life.
I try so hard, but what I'm doing is right.
I leave a bit of advice in the end of this poem.
When you find love,
Don't be stupid and let it go.
2) Life’s Advice
Life has no definitions.
There are no ties that bind.
Make of it what you wish.
Never look behind.
A Brilliant man once told me,
“Today’s Problems Come From Yesterdays Solutions.”
I take that as wise advice.
Everyday you reach a fork in the road.
It’s your choice to choose left or right.
You choose which path.
Don’t make it with spite.
Experiences leave impressions.
You can change in day.
This isn’t a suggestion.
It’s your choice to stay.
I look back and I don’t see myself.
It’s hard to think.
That used to be me.
Here is e neoprint i took a few week /a few moth ago...

mii & nydia =)

ok..gtg lex..nite nite...tc ppl!!!
off to my sweet lala dream land...
bye bye...
*watashi dai-suki anata*
Do let me stand by you, loving you in secret...
"broken dreamsa shattered hearta lonely soul"
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
7:10 AM