I SO HATE MYSELF!!!!!!=(...
now ITE life is nt like sec school life lex...
alot of think have change lex...
i dun like...i wan go back to sec school=(
i miss my friend my teacher and my class too...
erm i joined netball last week n when 4 e training...
err e training was really tired lo...(start at 5 till 7 ++)
first we warm up...then ran 5 round in e soccer field...
after tat they teach us some of e netball think...then we played a few match...end at 7.15...
so will be having training every Monday & wed...
haiz....he did it again!!!! I HATE IT!!!!=(....
it jux onli a gifts...we r jux onli friend nt like wat u think/say...
feel so bad after he call "him"...cry-ed 4 e nite...can't slp oso...
thinking if we nv get to know each other 1 yr ago....will he(yOu) be happier???wif her???
i dun wan yOu to wast time on mii...i dun wan to c u kanna scold again....
i jux wan yOu to be happy...juz wan to c yOur smile...
tat all i wan... "IM SORRY!!!"
TO HIM(ZC): Maybe u won't c tis but i jux wanna write it out...
erm i know tat u treat mii very good but i think friend will be better 4 us ba...
n i think u will find some1 better then mii de...=) "jia you"=P...
but we can still be good friend like be4....ok???n all e best in ur ploy studied...tc!!!
TO theng ong: how r u le???didn't chat 4 so long le...=( hope u r doing well...all e best!!!
oya..my mum come back lex..i meet her liao...=)so happy to c her....
pic we take last week....=)

wahaha..i look so funy in tis dress n make-up...=P

erm ok!!! will end here lex...going to take a rest liao going to malaysia later...=)nite nite...
*watashi dai-suki anata*
"im really SORRY"
"broken dreamsa shattered hearta lonely soul"
::相爱到最后 我们变成朋友.
sHe lived wiTh hOpe wHen yOu PROMISE
2:15 AM